Friday, January 24, 2014


In the recesses of my mind I remember something from high school physics about resistance being an oppositional force that ultimately fails. For the longest time I've resisted the idea of starting a blog because:

1. There are too many blogs in the universe.
2. I find the innermost thoughts of most people not worth reading.
3. I am a private person.
4. Number 2 applies to me too.

However, I have started trudging down the long and difficult road that is writing an academic book. I find myself alone with my thoughts, my doubts, and my computer. I feel isolated even as I am engaging in the world and history of ideas. In talking with colleagues who have endured this same special brand of agony, I have learned that sharing one's processes, victories, failures, and questions with one's academic community can help one keep moving down the road when all one wants to do is curl up on the verge and sleep. Perhaps it's time to get by with a little help from my friends.

So, I've given up my resistance in hopes that I don't give up.