Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Small Victories

Why is it that we always belittle our small victories? For example, I just finished drafting/revising a book chapter. I shared that news with a friend who replied with enthusiasm and praise. My response? To downplay it and emphasize all that I have yet to do.

Why do we do this? How do we better embrace the small victories along the way so that we can win the war? (Sorry to use martial imagery. Funny since I'm a pacifist. But this book is a battle.)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

March Madness

It's the time of the semester when I wonder if I'll make it out with my sanity. My institution does not have a spring break, so not only am I dragging, but my students are also dead—so dead that every class feels like this:

On the book front, I am making steady progress. But I am wiped out and worried that I won't have any gas left in the tank once summer hits and all I "get" to do is write. For those of you who have done this, do you have any advice on pacing? How have you maintained progress without gassing out in the first third?